


Hospitaller Region - Northern Virginia

Hospitaller Region - Northern Virginia

Recent Articles


Zoom Prayer Opportunities

Liturgy of the Hours (LoTH) Morning Prayer. All are welcome and encouraged to join.

Rosary with Dallas Region with Hospitaller Richard Stanzel This is a wonderful way to “see” other members from other regions.

Liturgy of the Hours Night prayer (Compline)

Weeknight Rosary with Chicago Region


  • Activities are planned for young adults to familiarize them with the Order.
  • Members may also participate.
  • Contact Andy Craig craigaj@gmail.com


SMOM NOVA Region Works

Cherrydale Nursing Home. 2nd Saturday each month after 9am Mass at St Agne

Missionaries of Charity Soup Kitchen (each Mon., Tues., Wed and Fri.)

  • Members help at the Soup Kitchen in Anacostia Mondays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 
  • Tuesday volunteers especially needed
  • Contact Laura Mead at LaurameadSMOM@gmail.com

L'Arche Highland House …on hold?

  • Members have been staying in touch with residents and providing food or snacks periodically.
  • Contact Phil Ward pjward@aol.com 

The Virginian communion service each Friday after the St Ambrose 9am Mass;  Praying of the rosary Tuesdays at 2pm. More volunteers are needed.

Rosary at Arbor Terrace Assisted Living in Fairfax 2nd Sunday

  • Praying of the rosary with residents.
  • This project is on hold for now due to health concerns of residents.
  • Contact Michael Gaffney Gaffneymj@hotmail.com

Catholic Charities Mobil Response Unit

  • Members to work with their pastors to sponsor a collection of supplies needed for distribution done by the Mobil Response Unit in Woodstock. We have been collecting supplies each month at our DOF meetings to be distributed via the program.
  • Volunteers help on the third Tuesday of each month our in Woodstock.
  • Contact Laura Mead at LauraMeadSMOM@gmail.com

Prison Ministry – Pen Pal Program

  • We exchange correspondence with inmates through mailboxes operated by the Order.
  • This program permits us to visit those in prison, a Work of Mercy, while maintaining our anonymity and safety.  Please consider participating.  More volunteers are needed.
  • Contact Bruce Gnatowski at bgnatowski@verizon.net

WMET Guadalupe Radio (1160 am; 103.1 fm ; grnonline.com; GRN app )

  • For a few years now, members have been helping GRN Guadalupe Radio in a variety of ways.  Before the shutdown we were continuing to develop ways to team up with the radio station.
  • The radio station will be able to help us with some of our outreach in a variety of ways. In addition, we are working on a few innovative ideas to help raise awareness of the Order of Malta in the area.
  • We are developing a recurring feature on WMET featuring teachings on the beatitudes.  Guadalupe Radio programming is excellent and provides much opportunity to deepen our knowledge of the faith and prepare ourselves to defend the faith when called to do so. 

The Fishers of Men Gala is scheduled for Saturday, May 6.

E-Prayer Group

  • Please sign up to pray in solidarity with our members for our prayer intentions by sending a text with the words "prayer storm" to phone number 88202 from a cell phone or tablet.Thank you to all who have recently joined!! 
  • Contact Mary Petrino at mary.petrino@gmail.com

Prayer in Action

  • Members will be reaching out to members who are no longer able to actively participate in Order activities as well as residents of the nursing homes that we serve. 
  • They will send periodic notes and periodic phone calls.
  • Contact Bill Kelly at Bkelly1041@aol.com

Emergency First Response Classes (Adult/Child/Infant CPR; Adult/Child AED; First Aid)…TBD

  • "All members should have or acquire the necessary skills for their service of the needy. For example, they should be trained in 'First Aid' in order to be skilled as the good Samaritan..."
    • Regulations and Commentary, p. 38
  • This important class is being offered to all Knights, Dames, Candidates, Auxiliary.  Family and friends are also welcome.   

Christ House of Diocese of Arlington

  • Twice a year we sponsor a clothing drive to benefit the Christ House and the outreach they do for the community.  Throughout the shut down and beyond, we have been providing a monthly meal for the residents at the Christ House.
  • Contact William Schuyler wjschuyler@gmail.com  

Diocese of Arlington WorkCamp (June 17-23, 2023

  • Members help to run the clinic during the week. 
  • Contact Molly Klote

Lourdes Pilgrimage Reunion for NoVA Region

  • Committee responsible for tracking malades who have been chosen for Lourdes as well as those who have gone to Lourdes; responsible for planning and coordinating regional Lourdes Reunion.
  • Contact Ann Souser anne.souser@gmail.com

Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem

Members are encouraged to reach out to pastors to have a “giving tree” in December or any time of the year to support the lifesaving and peace bringing works of the hospital.  This is a primary hospitaller work of the Order of Malta, providing state-of-the-art pediatric, obstetric, and gynecological care to women and children of the Holy Land. The Hospital treats all those who seek care, regardless of their religion, nationality, or ability to pay. Since 1990, Holy Family Hospital has delivered over 75,000 babies in Bethlehem. Their Mobile Outreach Clinic makes routine visits to remote village communities to provide medical treatment to those in need, and its Well Woman Clinic offers screenings and treatment to post-menopausal women for diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. It is the only the only hospital in the region equipped to care for premature infants and women with high-risk pregnancies. As Bethlehem’s second largest employer, it provides more than 160 jobs for Palestinian families. The Hospital unites Christians and Muslims as they work together to foster peace through medicine. Located only 1,500 steps from the birthplace of Christ, Holy Family Hospital is an instrument of peace and a beacon of hope in region filled with strife and uncertainty. It embraces all who seek care, and no one is ever turned away.   https://birthplaceofhope.org 


Our monthly DOF meetings help nurture the practice of tuitio fidei, which is an outward going service of nurturing, witnessing, and defending the Faith. The tuitio fidei presupposes a scholastic's fidei (knowledge of the Faith of the Church) and an exercitium fidei (formation and experience in spiritual life). Talks and discussions are followed by a social.

Regulations and Commentary p. 36-37.


Defense of the Faith (DOF) meets the third Wednesday of each month (with some occasional exceptions noted in our calendar)

Our monthly DOF meetings help nurture the practice of tuitio fidei, "which is an outward going service of nurturing, witnessing, and defending the Faith. The tuitio fidei presupposes a scholastic's fidei (knowledge of the Faith of the Church) and an exercitium fidei (formation and experience in spiritual life). 

Regulations and Commentary p. 36-37

Please make every effort to attend if possible and RSVP on the evites as they are sent out. 


                    Defense of the Faith Talks

                    Here is a link to the Northern VA YouTube Channel where talks that are recorded can be watched.


SMOM Northern Virginia Committees

If after careful consideration and prayer you discern that you might be called to serve on a committee, please contact the committee chair to see if additional help is needed.


Membership/Development Molly Klote. Drmolly3@aol.com

This committee encourages members to invite potential members to participate and learn about the Order; connects with potential members once they decide they’d like to learn more, conducts informational meetings about the Order, assists potential members to apply; works closely with the Formation Committee.

Membership Formation Terry White twhiteSMOM@aol.com

This committee forms candidates and helps them to further discern the Order (typically after application has been accepted); organizes activities to help the continuing formation of members.

Spirituality Bruce Gnatowski bgnatowski@verizon.net and Lorrie Breen Lbr79@msn.com

This committee works with formation and DOF committees to provide spiritual formation through various opportunities including special masses, mornings of reflection, annual retreat, “book talks”, presentations, etc.

Defense of the Faith David Carradini carradini.smom@gmail.com

This committee coordinates and plans the monthly DOF presentations.

Works of the Order Michael Gaffney gaffneymj@hotmail.com

Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem Support Peter-Anthony Pappas peter.pappas@gmail.com

This committee coordinates and oversees the various outreach projects in our region.

Faith in Action Bill Kelly bkelly1041@aol.com and Bill Williams wdwilliams1565@gmail.com

This committee connects to members who are not able to participate fully by communicating on a regular basis either through calls or texts or emails and keeps them up to date as well as connects to members we have not heard from in a while to find ways to re-engage them in the Order.

Hospitality; Lorrie Breen Lbr79@msn.com

This committee provides food at monthly DOF meetings, mornings of reflection, retreat, and other gatherings or events.

Technology Ted Zagrobelny tedzag@verizon.net

This committee assist in recording the monthly DOF and other meetings where possible, posting the information on social media)

Communications Committee Chair Needed

(Communications for Anointing Mass: :Mary Petrino mary.petrino@gmail.com and Elizabeth Scheuren elamscheuren@aol.com )

This committee manages the monthly newsletter, Malta Moment articles, press release and ads for Anointing

Mass and other events that may need publicity; interfaces with Federal Association to ensure that information is up to date on the website)

Auxiliary Andy Craig craigaj@gmail.com

This committee connects with and plan outreach activities for young adults to support those in need and become involved with the works of the Order.

Prison Ministry Bruce Gnatowski bgnatowski@verizon.net

Members become pen pals with people who are in prison.

Anointing Mass Committee

Treasurer: Terry White twhiteSMOM@aol.com

Special Masses and Events that Members Support

Diocese of Arlington:

- Mass + Anointing of Sick when SMOM NoVA Region brings the Lourdes experience to Malades in Arlington Diocese. In past years, we served luncheon to attendees. We also have attendees fill out Lourdes petitions that we take to the Grotto. (SMOM charism to serve to sick and poor of the Diocese).  Usually takes place in mid- to late March. 

- Chrism Mass when Bishop confects sacred oils and priests renew promises (SMOM charism to defend the faith and service to sick and poor of the Diocese). Usually takes place in late March or early April, one Holy Thursday. 

- Diaconate Ordination when Bishop ordains seminarians as transitional deacons, who will serve on Arlington Diocese for one year before being called to Presbyteral Ordination (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Usually takes place in late April or early May. 

- Presbyteral Ordination when Bishop ordains transitional deacons as priests, who will serve on Arlington Diocese (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Usually takes place in early June.

Corpus Christi Processions in various Diocesan parishes, as requested by pastors. Needs permission from Federal Association USA Office. (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Usually takes place in June.


Archdiocese for the Military Services USA

- Chrism Mass when Archbishop confects sacred oils and military chaplains renew priestly promises (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Usually takes place in late March or early April, one week prior to Holy Thursday.

Memorial Day Mass when Archbishop, Chaplains, service members and veterans pray for deceased military service members. (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Usually takes place on the Sunday before Memorial Day weekend. 

Fr. Capodanno, MM Memorial Mass when Archbishop, Chaplains, service members and veterans pray for Servant of God Fr. Vincent Capodanno, MM, martyr of Vietnam War. (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Usually takes place on day closest to 4 September anniversary of Fr. Capodanno's death.  


SMOM Northern Virginia Region and Federal Association USA

- Monthly Defense of Faith Mass - Chaplains, members and candidates pray for monthly intentions. (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Takes place on the third Wednesday of the month, except July and August. 

- Lourdes Pilgrimage Mass and Reunion when Chaplains, members, Malades and Companions from across Federal Association meet and pray for their intentions and for deceased Malades. (SMOM charism to serve poor and sick). Normally takes place in mid-July. 

- Lenten Mass + Day of Reflection when members meet for Mass and reflection on Lenten topic presentation by our Magistral Chaplain. (SMOM charism to defend the faith and service to sick and poor). Usually takes place in the first week of Lent. 

- St. John's Day Mass when members renew their promises as Dames and Knights of Magistral Grace or those in Obedience. (SMOM charism to defend the faith and service to sick and poor of the Diocese). Usually takes place in on or before 24 June. 

- Mass for Sanctity of Life Chaplains, members and candidates pray for greater respect for life. (SMOM charism to defend the faith and to serve poor and sick). Usually takes place in September or November. 

- Annual Investiture Mass with members of the Federal Association USA. Usually takes place in mid-October.

- Blessed Karl Mass with members of the von Hapsburg Imperial Family, sponsored by the Blessed Karl League at St. Mary Mother of God in DC, location of the Blessed Karl Shrine. Blessed Karl was SMOM Bailiff of the Grand Cross and patron of marriage and diplomacy.    (SMOM charism to defend the faith and to serve poor and sick). Mass is always held on 21 October. 

- Mass for Deceased Members - Chaplains, members and candidates pray for deceased members of the Order. (SMOM charism to defend the faith). Usually takes place in November. 

- Advent Mass + Day of Reflection -  When members meet for Mass and reflection on Advent topic presentation by one of our our Magistral Chaplains. (SMOM charism to defend the faith and service to sick and poor). Usually takes place in early Advent. 

Kevin Fischer
Regional Hospitaller

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

First Friday Mass

First Friday Mass

11/1/2024 12:00:00 AM EDT
Time and location TBD

Click here to access the Northern Virginia 2022 calendar of events. 


The Federal Association has been active in Northern Virginia since the mid-1980’s. A small group has grown into a very active group of over 100 Knights and Dames.

Monthly Mass

First Friday Mas