l-r: Joe Giangiulio, Lawrence Neuhoff, KM and Theresa Martter, KM.
Since March 2006, over 1000 volunteers from all across the US have participated in the Order of Malta New Orleans Home Rebuilding Program. Thanks to a successful partnership with Rebuilding Together, Catholic Charities of New Orleans, and the New Orleans Marriott our volunteers have worked 37 one-week work sessions in Treme, Gentilly, and New Orleans East – and over 40 families have moved back in their homes as a result of the great work done by our Order of Malta volunteers.

l-r: Joe Giangiulio, Kip Rolland, KM Lawrence Neuhoff, KM and Theresa Martter, DM.
In the first two years huge groups of our volunteers worked on homes with major damage which required extensive and expensive repairs. Teams of 40 - 50 volunteers worked all week, and oftentimes the house would still be far from completion. Since 2008 we have sent smaller groups of our volunteers (15 – 20) to work in houses that required less construction and more finishing touches. The hope is that at the end of our work week the homeowner will be able to move back in.

l-r: Kip Rolland, KM and Nick Summerville, KM.
We need six teams of volunteer workers team for each of the weeks listed below. Volunteers will arrive on their own on Sunday afternoon, and check into the New Orleans Marriott on Canal Street. Most weeks we work Monday – Thursday from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. All three meals will be provided, and there will be a farewell party on the last night. There is no work on Friday.