Milwaukee, WI

Special Liturgies and Other Activities
Each year we celebrate a Mass for the Sanctity of Life, for St. John the Baptist, and the Deceased Members of the Order. This year we have added our inaugural Mass of Anointing of the Sick. A dinner and time of fellowship follows at the conclusion of each Mass. The American Association in Milwaukee is always invited and most welcome to join us at these liturgies and dinners, as are family members and friends. We also have an Evening of Reflection for both the Lenten and Advent seasons. We also join Chicago at their Day of Reflection and Mass in early January, and travel to Washington, D.C. for Investiture each October. This year we are inaugurating a ceremony to bless the Church capes and robes at our October First Friday Mass for those being Invested in October. Additional activities are being planned for 2019.
We have recently begun an Auxiliary for young adults and others who belong to 3rd Order religious families and are unable to officially join as Knights and Dames of the Order.
Order-Wide Activities
Participation in the Pilgrimages to Lourdes Pilgrimage each May and to Our Lady of Good Help Pilgrimage each August is highly encouraged. Our Lady of Good Help is the only recognized Marian apparition in the United States and we are blessed to have it right in our own “backyard.” Our members not only participate in the Pilgrimage itself, but are encouraged to help with the transportation of pilgrims arriving at Mitchell Field in Milwaukee up to Green Bay and back again at the conclusion of the pilgrimage.

Dan McCarthy
Regional Hospitaller
Press Release
While previously part of the Chicago Region, Milwaukee was recognized as a new Region in the fall of 2015 when we reached the requisite number of Dames and Knights to do so. We now have 20 members including one Knight in Obedience, with 3 candidates being Invested in October, 2018. Our first Hospitaller, Gerard Randall, began his term in 2015 and will serve until October 2018. Daniel McCarthy is our new incoming Hospitaller beginning his term in October 2018.
Monthly Mass
First Friday Mass is held each month at the historic Old St. Mary Church located at 844 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202. The Mass begins at 7:00am with a meeting following in the Parish Center. Light refreshments are available for those attending.
Volunteer Projects
The Cathedral Center, an emergency shelter for women and families experiencing a housing crisis, was first conceived in 1996 and incorporated as a non-profit in 2002. Although housed in the former convent of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Milwaukee, it is non-sectarian and serves women, children, and families of all socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds. Through intensive counseling and the Women’s Independence Program, lives are transformed, and nearly 1,000 women and families are served each year. If not for the Center, they would face violence or life on the streets of Milwaukee’s inner city. On any given night the shelter serves approximately 30 unaccompanied women and up to eight families. We have the privilege of serving dinner to the guests each month.