With confreres in the Chicago Region unable to gather face-to-face to pray for an end to the pandemic and share special intentions, Chicago Hospitaller Rick Klein acted quickly in mid-March to set up a nightly teleconference (now zoom) to allow callers to gather virtually and pray the Rosary together. This effort has been growing in popularity each week.
Every night, Monday through Friday, at 8 p.m. Central Time, knights and dames from Chicago are joined by confreres from Milwaukee, Ohio, Washington, D.C., New York and beyond. Malades have been invited to join, as have friends of confreres and interested members of a local Legatus region.
Typically, anywhere from 25 to 35 individual callers (many with family members joining) are led in the recitation of the Rosary by Deacon Ed Gronkiewicz, the Rev. David Turner from St. Procopius Abbey, Malta chaplain Msgr. Michael Boland or the Rev. Richard Fragomeni, who will be invested as a chaplain for the Chicago Region this September. Volunteers assist each evening by completing prayers for each decade of the Rosary.
All are welcome to join the Rosary calls Monday through Friday at 8 p.m. Central Time.
Call-in information is as follows:
For Video + Audio, or Audio only: