The Order of Malta at a Glance
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a lay religious order with three classes of members. The first class, the Knights of Justice, or professed knights, make vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The second class, Knights and Dames of Obedience, do not take full religious vows but make promises of obedience committing themselves to spiritual growth and service to the order. The third class, Knights and Dames of Magistral Grace, agree to make a lifelong commitment to live by the order’s Constitution and Code and its duel charisms to defend the faith and serve the sick and the poor.
Special Regional Projects
Zoom Rosary (June to August) - First Friday of the Month
Catholic Charities - Tutoring, Leading the Rosary in Catholic Charity Facilities
Lantern Light Ministries - Food for the Homeless
The Cenacle (Dames only) - Assist with Retreats
St. Michael's Special School, Joy Center - Spending time with handicapped adults
Home-cooked meals for FOCUS Missionaries (focus.org) at Tulane
First 72 Plus (first72plus.org) - Transitional Assistance to Former Inmates to Prevent Recidivism
St. Paul's Street Evangelization (streetevangelization.com), Kenner - Taking the Gospel to the Streets
Federal Association Activities
Annual Lourdes Pilgrimage - First Week of May: Knights, Dames, Chaplains, and volunteers join the Order in Lourdes at an international level of participation serving our beloved Malades.
Annual Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, WI - Knights, Dames, Chaplains, and Special Pilgrims join the three United States Associations for a 3 day spiritual retreat where the Blessed Mother appeared to Adele Brise.
Annual International Malta Camp for Persons with Disabilities
Annual Investiture Weekend, Washington, D.C.
Annual Retreat
Prison Ministry Pen Pal Program with Catholic Distance University
There are 34 members of the Federal Association living in Louisiana. The largest concentration is in the New Orleans area. The New Orleans Knights and Dames engage in a variety of activites that defend the faith and serve the sick and poor.
Monthly Mass
First Friday Mass and Breakfast - Basilica of St. Stephen, New Orleans