


Hospitaller Region - Lafayette, LA

Hospitaller Region - Lafayette, LA

Recent Articles

Bishop Michael Jarrell anoints a malade at April 25th Anointing Mass

Annual Anointing Mass - Lafayette, LA


The Lafayette Region sponsored its third annual Mass for Healing and Anointing of the Sick on April 25 at St. Mary, Mother of the Church. The Knights, Dames and Candidates of the Lafayette Region, assisted by spouses and 51 volunteers, served over 200 malades and companions. The Most Reverend Michael Jarrell, Bishop of Lafayette, was principal celebrant and homilist. Concelebrants were Fr. Hampton Davis (Associate Chaplain of the Lafayette Region), Rev. Harold Trahan, Rev. Jason Vidrine, Rev. Keith Landry, Rev. Anselm Ofodum, Rev. Alphonse Thainese and Rev. Ryszard Kalinowski. Mass ...

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Members of the Order (and their families) who are interested in participating in one of these activities should contact the Regional Hospitaller, Marla David.

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church – members are volunteering with the committee to re-decorate and re-furbish this historic church

Paul & Marla David
Regional Co-Hospitallers

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events


Lafayette was designated as a Hospitaller Region in 2009. Marla David is the Regional Hospitaller. Rev. Hampton Davis was named an Associate Chaplain in 2009.

Monthly Mass

First Friday Mass – 12:00 noon Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist – followed by lunch.