


Hospitaller Region - Charlotte, NC

Hospitaller Region - Charlotte, NC

Recent Articles

Ministries to the Sick and the Poor


Room In The Inn For Charlotte's Homeless:

During the four cold-weather months we accommodate overnight accommodations for those in need of shelter. In the heart of Charlotte’s “Uptown” Urban Ministry Center provides overnight accommodations for more than 1,500 homeless people. Our region aides by providing food, health kits and companionship for the night.


Assisting The Missionaries of the Poor:

Members of the Order from the Charlotte Region traveled to Kingston, Jamaica to work with Fr. Richard Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) brothers in their ministry to the poor, disabled, and imprisoned. The Charlotte Region is donating approximately 2000 Bibles, 2000 catechisms, and 4000 other spiritual books to the MOP as part of its Defense of the Faith initiative. Monthly members of the region gather at the food and supply warehouse run by the MOP to help inventory and stock this important food pantry for the poor of the Charlotte and Monroe NC areas.


Prison Ministry Team:

Several of our members regularly visit men housed at the Tower Street prison. Currently there are approximately 1,700 men housed at this location. Our members visit these men with greeting and help to meet their spiritual needs.


Holy Angels:

Holy Angels, located in Belmont, N.C., provides specialized, round-the-clock care for children and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities and delicate medical conditions. In an environment that fosters loving and compassionate care, opportunities for dignified living and innovative learning programs, we strive to empower those who are differently able. Our members assist the residents and staff with the care of the residents through cleaning, feeding or just being present to them. Recently many of our members have been trained to aide the staff in more ways and now make weekly or monthly trips to Holy Angels. Annually, along with our Chaplain Abbot Placid Solari, we attend a Blessing of the Residents.

Ellen Linares
Regional Hospitaller

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Charlotte Rosary on Zoom

Charlotte Rosary on Zoom

4/14/2025 7:00:00 PM EDT
Ellen Linares is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87159967908?pwd=buoope6DsIyaIY8z2EyJyJ7fZLAeRx.1 Meeting ID: 871 5996 7908 Passcode: 809755

Charlotte Spirituality on Zoom

Charlotte Spirituality on Zoom

4/21/2025 7:00:00 PM EDT


The Federal Association began to take form in Charlotte in 1995. Today there are over 60 Knights and Dames in the western part of North Carolina. The founding Hospitaller was Harry Grim followed by Dr. Don Joyce who was followed by Jerry Schmitt and most recently by Joe Tronco. The current Hospitaller is Rick Menze.

Federal Association Chaplains in the Charlotte region are the Abbot Placid Solari (Belmont Abbey) and Monsignor Anthony Marcaccio.

Monthly Mass

Abbot Placid Solari of Belmont Abbey Monastery celebrates our monthly mass at 7:45 in the St. Gabriel’s Parish Daily Mass Chapel. This mass is held on the first Friday of each month is followed by doughnuts and coffee.


Members of the Order (and their families) who are interested in participating in one of these activities should contact the Regional Hospitaller, Rick Menze.