Baltimore, Maryland
Community Service Projects
The Order of Malta, Baltimore Region Service Programs consist of several projects which help care and feed the sick and poor in Baltimore City through collective volunteer efforts, donations and driving awareness of the homeless crisis in the city. Our members and volunteers are dedicated to the preservation of human dignity and the care of all those in need, regardless of their race, gender, origin or religion.
The following service programs for those impacted by poverty and hardship remain active with some restrictions at this time due to the covid pandemic. Please reach out if interested in supporting or volunteering any of these works to support the Order of Malta, Baltimore Region Service Programs as we serve those in need:
Sarah's Hope Shelter - A “full service” homeless shelter where Order of Malta volunteers prepare and serve breakfast and lunch on various Sundays for women & children experiencing hunger ensuring they receive nutritious meals. (Due to the pandemic, volunteer meal service operations are outdoor only.)
My Sister's Place Women's Place – A daytime shelter, Order of Malta volunteers prepare and/or deliver dinners onsite to the shelter to feed homeless women and children on select days each week and special occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Coordination of toiletry and laundry supplies as well as conducting health education seminars. (Due to the pandemic, all meal operations are prepared offsite & delivery only.)
Franciscan Center – This a full-service operation offering, daily meal service, evening family meals, meal delivery to local homeless encampments. Additional services include, GED education, childcare, resume writing and other related transitional support services. We provide meal preparation, service, and Center support.
If interested in receiving our monthly newsletter or to learn more about getting involved with the Order of Malta in Baltimore please contact SMOMBaltimore@gmail.com.

Mass for deceased members of the Order November 2023, SS Philip & James.

June 2019 @ My Sisters Place

September 2020

Assembling meals.

24 Hour Meal Serve-a-thon

John White
Regional Hospitaller
The Baltimore Region of the Federal Association has been active for over 35 years and today there are over 60 Knights, Dames, Chaplains, and volunteers committed to service for the poor and sick of Baltimore. The Most Reverend William E. Lori, the Archbishop of Baltimore, is Conventual Chaplain ad honorem of the Order. He is assisted by Magistral Chaplains Reverend Monsignor Richard Cramblitt and Reverand Thomas Malia, and Associate Chaplain Reverend Louis Bianco. Also present in the Baltimore region, Magistral Chaplain Reverend Timothy Brown, S.J.
Monthly Mass
Members gather the 1st Saturday of each month at 8:15am for Mass and reflection at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen (5200 N. Charles Street) in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. And on special occasions as scheduled with the Archbishop for reflection and spiritual growth. Please contact the local Hospitaler, John White for further details on events at SMOMBaltimore@gmail.com