


Hospitaller Region - Houston, TX

Hospitaller Region - Houston, TX

Recent Articles

Houston Region Lourdes Reunion Mass


On Saturday, September 20, the Houston Region hosted the Annual Lourdes Reunion at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. 10:30 A.M. Mass in the Grotto for 45 members of the Order and Malades and Companions was celebrated by Bishop Vincent Rizzotto (Malade 2014). Concelebrants were Chaplain of the Order, Fr. Brendan Cahill, and Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Fr. Vincent Dinh.

The Houston Region hosted our beloved Malades and Companions for a luncheon after Mass at Lakeside Country Club. 

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Houston Members Feed The Hungry


At a recent Mamie George Community Center Food Fair, Houston area members served 250 meals, and presented Ernest Lewis III, the Center Director for Catholic Charities, with the $18,100 Grants Check from the Order of Malta.

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Cathy Hotze
Regional Hospitaller

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events


There are 45 Knights and Dames in the Houston Region. His Eminence, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, is a Conventual Chaplain of the Order.

Monthly Mass

The monthly Mass is celebrated in conjunction with our visit to the VA Hospital, on the first Saturday of every month.